Bifolding door & window
(by F.Salla)

Resource File

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Parametric bi-folding door and window with multiple leaves. The only difference is that the door doesn't have the frame at the bottom of the opening.


Object type:

  • Door
  • Window


  • Frame
  • Leaves
  • Glasses


  • Door Width and Height dimensions
  • Leaf Width and Depth dimensions
  • Aperture (%)
  • Option to adjust the Frame width to Wall thickness
  • Leaves alignment (to Frame)
  • Number of leaves
  • Leaves type (glazed or blind)


How to use these styles?

  1. From the Rhino menu, select "VisualARQ > Styles > Import..." (or run the vaStylesImport command)
  2. Follow the steps in the Import Styles dialog, and select the style to import.
  3. Run the vaDoor or the vaWindow command to insert one of these styles. Change its parameters from the Properties panel (object parameters) or from the Door / Window styles dialog (style parameters)
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