3D roof GH
(by Oscar3Dr)

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3D grasshopper roof for rhino and visualarq

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New version 30: Now we simply choose the curve or curves where we want the roof to be, a direction line for the tiles and it automatically makes the roof and places it where we select the curve. Spectacular!
New version 27: Single tile option. It minimizes the size of the file in a beastly way.
New version 26: Now is 5 times quickly and now takes 40% less space in hdd. Deleted option "roof with block" to simplify the definition. The custom roof now is better, you can choose all curves at the same time and automatically GH detect if it is exterior or interior.
New version 24: You can try "roof with block" (con bloque). This option allow safe a 70% of file size. For example a file of 100mb, with block option will be only 30 mb. Remember that you must create 3 blocks of the roof in your rhino file and assign every one in the violet square "bloques tejas".
New version 20: New option "custom curve". Cutting roofs now are closed.
New version 19. Now with roof top.
New version 18: Easy cutting options. New slab.
New version 17: Some people had problems with the flip of one curve direction. Now I've added the option to flip this curve.
New version 16. Bugs fixed.
New version 15. Materials applied for elefront block.
New version 14. In the block mode now you can apply different materials until 3 blocks.
Solved: In trimmed roof, cap holes for trimmed roofs fails.
New version 13. Now roof trimmed by surface run in both modes, normal and by elefront block.
New version 12 Now, the cutter is a planar surface. You can select a rectangular or trimmed roof. You can select too normal or block elefront block. 
New version 11: Now you can try the roof by size o curves and automatically the roof is created. The roff top is included as an option.The roof created by block only can be rectangular.
With block option is faster and the size file lower.

New version 8. Now you can try the roof by block inserted in rhino or created with elefront. If you try block inserted in rhino you must create it before.
(Recommended: Created with elefront)


Tejado 3D para Grasshopper


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