(by lionpeloux)
Zbox is a set of tools I use for my activity at my studio "Zyme Engineering". It is based on a portable C# core library (.Net Standard 2) and exposed through components.
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What you'll find :

  • PVGIS wrapper : access all PVGIS functionalities directly into grasshopper to make your solar/PV analysis. You can also download TMY in EPW format. If you are in the building industry. PVGIS provides information about solar radiation and photovoltaic (PV) system performance for any location in Europe and Africa, as well as a large part of Asia and America. PVGIS can help you assess PV electricity generation potential for different technologies and configurations.
  • Weather Data : in my quest of valid AMY/TMY .epw files for building energy modelling, I came through coding 2 components that can index all the weather data files provided by EnergyPlus.Net (DOE) and Climate.OneBuilding.Org. You can then filter these data spatially (for instance to find all data around a given location within a given distance) an by keywords. You can then download the files to your hard drive with the appropriate IO component.
  • IO : a bunch of components for working with files. Includes a component to fetch files from a web url.

The code and last release can be found on the GitHub repo. Any suggestions / comments are welcome. Say hi if you are using this plugin !


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For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
ZBox 0.1.0
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win