(by mahdiyar)
This plugin enables Persian users to create text in Farsi in Rhino and Grasshopper.
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This plugin enables Persian users to create text in Farsi in Rhino and Grasshopper.

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  • This plugin uses Unicode fonts [B xxx]. Therefore, the modified text will be available in the correct form in other systems, while there is no need to install this plugin or font on them.
  • Supporting both English and Farsi (Persian language) at the same time
  • Supporting formatted text as (Bold, Italic, Underline, … )
  • Supporting Text Field 
  • Supporting semi space and Persian alphabetical signs

How to use PersianCat?

To create Persian text in Rhino:

  • Use "Text" or "TextDot" in the command bar to create text.
  • Use "PersianCatFix" to fix written text letters.

To edit the text in Rhino:

  • Use "PersianCatUnfix" to convert the text to the initial form.
  • Edit the text and then use "PersianCatFix" command to fix the text letters. 


PersianCat plugin contains 5 components in Grasshopper:

  1. "PersianCat" component converts Persian text to a readable text in Rhino.
  2. "Fonts" component shows installed fonts on windows.
  3. "Text3d" component works the same as TextTag3d component, and also it can provide the user with the font and text format options.
  4. "TextDot" component is similar to TextTag component, and also it enables the user to choose the font and the size of the text.
  5. "TextExplode" component converts the outline of the text to a curve.


License Cost:
For instructions on installing Grasshopper Add-Ons, please see FAQ for details.
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win
Rhino 6 for Win
Rhino 7 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 6 for Win
Grasshopper for Rhino 7 for Win